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(File Photo/Ministry of Agriculture)

The latest provincial crop report came out on Thursday. The first report of August showed quality concerns, that are becoming more clear as we get closer to harvest.

Another week of varied rainfall saw Marengo and area all the way up at 32 mm, the next closest being 12 mm up by Neilburg, and Macklin and area joined Sonningdale with about 10 mm of rainfall during the week. The report stated that "any moisture received would be too late for advanced crops", and that "many producers within the region would welcome rain to help with grain fill and bushel weight on later seeded crops."

Outside of heat stress, the main cause of crop damage throughout the region was wind, crop disease, and especially pests. 

"Aphids caused up to moderate damage in some areas throughout the region. Grasshoppers and gophers accounted for minor damage over the past week. As canola continues to mature, producers are observing sclerotinia stem rot emerging in their fields."

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(Graphic via Crop Report/Ministry of Agriculture)

Other farming operations won't have the ability to wait out harvest, as high heat has brought it on quickly in some areas.

The southwest leads the way with four per cent complete, and both the southeast and east-central regions are claiming one per cent done. These areas have accounted for 15 per cent of fall rye being harvest, 12 per cent of winter wheat, nine per cent of field peas, and eight per cent of lentils around the province.

Harvest should be entering full swing here soon around west-central, and you can read a full story with Outlook based crops extension specialist Tyce Masich below. Find the crop report for west-central specifically HERE.
