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Wildfire Smoke/SM

Wildfire smoke in the Peace Country is causing very poor air quality and reduced visibility.

The air quality health index for the Grande Prairie area is currently at 10+ which is very high risk.

Conditions are expected to continue for the remainder of today and most of the day tomorrow before slowly improving. 

During heavy smoke conditions, everyone is at risk regardless of their age or health.

Limit time outdoors. Consider rescheduling or cancelling outdoor sports, activities and events. When indoors, keep windows and doors closed as much as possible. When there is an extreme heat event occurring with poor air quality, prioritize keeping cool.

Even though exposure may be reduced, there can still be risks to health. Check in on others who are in your care or live nearby who may be more likely to be impacted by wildfire smoke.

Learn more at canada.ca/wildfire-smoke.
