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Mitch Melo. (photo courtesy of Anita Sorenson)
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Mitch Melo. (photo courtesy of Anita Sorenson)

A GoFundMe has been set up for the funeral of the Swift Current man who was killed on the Trans-Canada Highway on Sunday night. 

Mitch Melo was struck by a driver in the westbound lane of Highway #1 and was declared deceased by EMS at the scene. 

Now, his aunt Anita Sorenson has set up the donation page to help his family pay for the funeral expenses. 

"Nobody's prepared for this," said Sorenson. "Thank you isn't even a big enough word for how they feel (for all the support). They're just so grateful that the people have been so generous to help out with the cost of his funeral." 

The goal for the GoFundMe is set at $7,000.

Sorenson remembers her nephew fondly, as someone who lived life to the fullest. 

"He was just a great guy. He was fun, energetic and full of life," said Sorenson. "He was a great friend, a great dad, and a really great guy."

Her sister, Melo's mothers, is struggling with the loss of her son. By getting support for the funeral expenses, Sorenson is hoping to help alleviate some of the pressure so that the family can grieve. 

"No family is ever prepared for something like this when it happened so suddenly and tragically," said Sorenson. "My first step was to help my sister out, and this was a great way to do that." 

If anyone would like to donate, they can click here to head over to the GoFundMe page

Author Alias