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Heidi Schollengberg (right) with her daughter Sandy Bjorgum (left) at CHVN studios.
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Heidi Schollengberg (right) with her daughter Sandy Bjorgum (left) at CHVN studios. (Sylvia St. Cyr/Goldenwest)

Brad Schollengberg was a pastor of Peace Lutheran Church for 30 years before a diagnosis of Pulmonary Fibrosis made him stop working. 

"It's a chronic lung disease that causes irreparable, permanent scarring of the healthy lung tissue," says Heidi Schollengberg, Brad's wife. "There are other diseases that can lead to Pulmonary Fibrosis, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Myocitis, and now there's talk of even long COVID being a risk."

What cued the family that there might be an issue was when Brad, who was totally healthy otherwise, started to get very tired throughout the day and needed naps. He also had a crackling cough that would not go away and difficulty just breathing. 

"He was diagnosed just over two years ago. As a pastor, he worked many long hours. I thought perhaps he just needed to start exercising more. Finally, he went to see his doctor who thought he had Pulmonary Fibrosis."

There is no cure for people with Pulmonary Fibrosis, other than being put on medication to slow down the scarring, and then a transplant. 

"Twelve weeks ago he had a double lung transplant in Edmonton," says Heidi. "I'm truly thankful to my Lord and Saviour, my God above who saw us through this. After two weeks he was discharged from the hospital to come back to Winnipeg. I believe all the prayers that he received across the country made that difference."

On Saturday, August 24, the Canadian Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (CPFF) is hosting a walk for Pulmonary Fibrosis in Winnipeg. 

"We want to extend an invite to everyone to come join us for this walk tomorrow," says Sandy Bjorgum, Brad's daughter. "It's at Assiniboine Park at 10:00 a.m. There will be a food truck, some speeches, and a short little walk for many people who have oxygen. There is a kids' centre and I'm running the kids' station so come join us."

This is the first time this walk is happening in Winnipeg. To register, click here or signup at the event. Same day registrants can enjoy lunch with a minimum donation of $10. 
