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Jones Family
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Photo: Brent Jones FB Page

Congratulations to Brent and Kelly Jones our latest Date Night on Daniel winners.

They won a $100 gift card to Mr. Mike's Steakhouse Casual and a Cineplex gift card courtesy of Daniel Cram of Sutton Realty.

Angela nominated the couple, "Brent and his wife Kelly have been such an amazing couple to get to know. Brent was the first person I met with at Peoples church after never having been to church before in my life. He was welcoming, easy to talk, funny to and knowledgeable. Brent has a kind heart and is always coming over with food to share, he has helped me with car problems, and plumbing as well! Brent would literally give his shirt off his back to anyone in need…he is an amazing Samaritan! Brent’s wife Kelly and I became fast friends after getting to know one another. She embodies the character of Christ with such grace! I have leaned on her for many things over our rather short friendship, and she has always been there for me. Brent and Kelly work hard in the church, and hard at home with their four children. Whether it’s making and upkeeping their infamous ‘Jones’ ice rink to invite friends and neighbours to come and enjoy, opening their doors to host dinners, having other people’s children over, carting the kids around to whatever activity of the season is, they’re always on the go! Brent and Kelly have been such a huge examples of good Christians, and have offered me such guidance since I have got to know them, they are both very important to me!"

Nominate your ministry leader today for a Date Night on Daniel.
