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Renovations to the Gretna arena continue to progress.
Earlier, we told you about a new dehumidification system approved for the rink along with new, insulated overhead and exterior emergency doors.

"The doors are going to be hung. If they're not hung, they're going to be very shortly," explained Municipality of Rhineland Reeve Don Wiebe in the latest project update. "There was some skate flooring that was put in and we just approved some renovations to the canteen."

Wiebe noted, the canteen won't be turned into a full-fledged kitchen but said equipment will be installed to allow for short-order food service. "That they couldn't do before, so that's going to be good."

The goal, said Wiebe, is to have this work done for the start of the coming season.

Looking ahead, the Municipality is researching options for updating the building's entrance and improving accessibility.

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One of the exterior areas receiving some attention


Author Alias