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An Eastern Yellow-Bellied Racer rests in a person's hand (photo by Ashley Vass)

Cameron Koch interviews Emily Putz, Habitat Stewardship Coordinator with Nature Saskatchewan, to learn about the nine species of snake we have in the province. They are found primarily within the southern portion of the province, and like many species native to the grasslands of the region, four of those nine are now listed as at risk of extinction. The primary threat to Saskatchewan's snakes is continual loss of habitat to industry and agriculture, but ignorance and fear also often drive humans to kill snakes they encounter. Putz hopes education will help people to see that snakes are not aggressive or 'gross', and that they can play a vital role in ecosystems.

“A big thing is to teach the next generations that snakes are our friends and that they are nothing to be afraid of," Putz said. "A lot of people think they’re slimy and aggressive, but they’re smooth, and their scales are made of the same stuff as fingernails. They’re smooth and dry and they don’t want anything to do with you... they’re not scary animals, and they play big roles in their habitats.

“They should be valued and not feared, even if you’re scared of them yourself.” 
