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Rocky View County (RVC) has announced the position of Chief Administrative Officer has been filled. (photo provided)

Rocky View County (RVC) has appointed Reegan McCullough to the position of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

"Council would like to welcome Mr. McCullough to Rocky View County," said Reeve Crystal Kissel. "After a thorough selection process, it was apparent that Mr. McCullough’s vision and experience align perfectly with our strategic goals. His leadership will be crucial as we continue to enhance our services, manage growth responsibly, and maintain the high quality of life our residents have grown to expect. Under his guidance, I am confident Rocky View County will continue to thrive while preserving the unique character that makes our region special.” stated a press release from RVC.

The appointment is effective as of Oct. 1, 2024. 

McCullough expressed his enthusiasm for the role, stating, "I am deeply honored to serve as CAO of Rocky View County. This is a vibrant community with a rich history and promising future. I look forward to working closely with Council, staff, and residents to build on the County’s strong foundations. My immediate focus will be on strengthening our relationships with key stakeholders, ensuring fiscal sustainability, and implementing innovative approaches to manage growth while preserving the rural character that defines Rocky View County."

McCullough has an impressive background in both public and private sector management, having previously held positions as Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Sturgeon County and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Niagara Parks Commission.

With extensive experience in rural development, infrastructure management, and strategic planning, he is well-equipped to tackle the unique opportunities and challenges facing Rocky View County.

McCullough is widely recognized for his leadership in developing innovative policies and improving public services, demonstrating his strong commitment to excellence in public administration.

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