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Rob Carnie: It's another edition of Take 5 with Carney and Carmichael! Featuring Moose Jaw city manager, Maurice Carmichael, and first up on the agenda today is the Priorities and Potential Survey.  

It's hot off the presses and you can take it today if you go to moosejaw.ca. The City of Moose Jaw is putting out this survey for all Moose Jaw residents, the survey, titled Priorities and Potential. It includes a series of questions about our quality of life in the notorious city, your satisfaction with city programs, customer service and communication. 

City manager Carmichael, we've already had a lot of people taking that survey and it's only been out for, well, since the start of the week, right? September the 9th. 

Maryse Carmichael: That's right, 24 hours and already 344 people have answered this survey, so we're delighted to see that. It's always an opportunity, every year, to get feedback from the community, especially as we're preparing for the budget.  

This year is extremely important, with the elections coming up, municipal elections on the 13th of November.  

The information that we gather in this survey will help the administration and the new Council to establish priorities and to have (in the) 2025 budget. 

Rob: Is this something you will look at? 

Maryse: Absolutely, we look at all the answers, not only the yes no or the multiple-choice questions, but especially the comments. It's really a chance for residents to talk to us and tell us what they think is a priority and potential in our city. 

Rob: Can you give us some examples of what sort of questions are asked in the survey? 

Maryse: We talk about pretty much every department in the city, every service that really touches our residents on a day-to-day basis.  

Whether we're talking about Parks and Rec, the services with the arenas, the parks. 

What would you like to see? Where do you see the city growing and what are some ideas that in new initiatives that you perhaps think would be great to implement in this city? 

Rob: Okay, it's the 2025 Priorities and Potential survey, it takes about 15 minutes to complete and will be open until Sunday, September the 29th.  

As you heard, the city manager will be looking at the results, so your time is worth the effort.  

You can access the survey with the link on the free City of Moose Jaw app, and on the homepage of the city's website, which is moosejaw.ca.  

Well, we will obviously talk about the results from this survey on a future episode of Take 5 for sure. 

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