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Rob Carnie: Let's switch it up. The Thatcher Drive East paving project! They're really getting it done. 

Maryse Carmichael: They are getting it done, and I have to tell you, on Sunday I was driving on Thatcher, and I took a picture and sent it to the Director of Operations.  

I'm like “Wow, I am impressed.”, 35° and the crews were out there on a Sunday afternoon paving.  

It is going much faster, and I'd like to send a big shout out to Cypress Paving. They're our contractor doing the work on Thatcher Drive. It's going extremely well, you can see it's divided into 10 different sections that they're repaving, therefore minimizing interruptions to the businesses that are on Thatcher Drive. 

We all know how it can be an interruption for businesses, and we want to minimize interruptions.  

There's been great communication between Cypress Paving, our city employees and the various local businesses so that all the shoppers and all the people going to those businesses are informed. 

Thank you for your patience. Thank you. 

 I think at the end of the day, we can see the result, really different driving conditions, especially on Main Street this year, on Thatcher Drive, Coteau. Making big changes in the city. 

Rob: Speaking of Coteau Street, man that that's a big job over there on South Hill. 9th Ave. SW, Coteau and surrounding area. How's that project coming along? 

Maryse: It is coming along very quickly as well. We have reopened some blocks. I believe we're almost at 9th Ave. now, so around the 10th and 11th to reopen, then we'll reopen the rest as soon as we can. 

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