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Rob Carnie: Let's talk about the new Community Services Department. City manager, tell us why it was created and what the goals are with the new endeavor. 

Maryse Carmichael: Since I arrived in the city, just over a year ago now, I've made a few changes with the organization. 

I took the time to do that to make sure that I would make some changes, after reflection and after seeing how they operated. 

Last summer, the very first change that I made, because I needed to, was the amalgamation of Engineering and Public Works and Utilities.  

We had our Director of Public Works depart, they had left the city, so a change needed to be made.  

That's when I created the Department of Operations to encompass and take advantage of the synergies between Engineering and Public Works so they all work as one team now.  

The new change this year that just happened last week is the creation of the Community Services Department. 

To me, it's really important that the services that we offer to the residents are always in the mindset of continuous improvement to be able to provide the best possible service. 

What I've done is amalgamated the Parks and Rec Department with Planning and Development, two departments that deal with our residents on a daily basis, whether it's a building permit for your house, it's a development permit, it's a service with someone within Recreation. It makes a lot of sense. 

We have director Derek Blaise, someone that's very experienced in the provision of services to people, who will head this new department. 

Rob: With the Economic Development Manager, Jim Dixon, moving on earlier this year from his position at City Hall and more recently, the Director of Planning and Development Manager, Michelle Sanson, also moving on from City Hall, are those two jobs open now, or have they kind of moved into this new Community Services Department? 

Tell us how that's working? 

Maryse: Let's start first with the Economic Development Department, that was another change. Thanks for reminding me.  

I created this Strategic Growth Department, headed by Craig Hemingway, to look at the community communication portion of it, the stakeholder engagement, economic development.  

We will be hiring a new person really soon for that department, that's coming up in the next few weeks.  

On the Community Services side, we will also have a new position there, it is Manager of Planning and Development.  

I invite everyone to look at moosejaw.ca and our job opportunities on there. Those two will be there shortly, and of course, many other jobs at the city. 

I invite anyone that might be interested in coming to work for our administration, our city administration, to come to moosejaw.ca and have a look. 

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