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Rob Carnie: Preparations for the municipal election are coming up sooner than later. How's that going at City Hall? 

Maryse Carmichael: Well, this is going to be my first election as the city manager, so it's an exciting time.  

The municipal election will be on November 13th. We are just about to open for candidates that would like to be councilors or mayor.  

The registration for that is on the 16th of September and it will go all the way to the 9th of October.  

I invite anyone that wants to take part in what happens in your city, whether you want to be a councilor or mayor. You can contact your city clerk, and like I said, it's open from September 16th all the way to October 9th, With the elections on the 13th of November. 

Rob: The last time we visited, we were looking for election workers. How's that situation? 

Maryse: We have more and more, and w re still looking for more. So again, if you want a one or two-day job, the city clerk is the person looking after all our election workers. 

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