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Beck Press Conference (Sept 10
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On Sept. 10, the NDP and leader Carla Beck took time to present their platform to help ease the housing crunch in the province, especially when it comes to affordable units.

NDP Leader Carla Beck, back on the campaign trail, says her team is set to tackle the increasingly alarming issue of affordable housing in the province. On September 10 at press gathering, she talked about her plan in initiative a Landlord and Tenant Rent Protection Act and repurpose unused provincial housing.  

“I’ve heard from many seniors on fixed incomes who are beyond stressed dealing with the rising cost of rent. Some are seeing their rents increase higher than their entire monthly earnings and are now being forced to move out of their homes,” said Beck.   

“We’ve also heard loud and clear that the Sask. Party’s end to direct rent payments for social service clients have led to a series of missed payments, evictions, and increased homelessness. This is about making sure that we have predictability and stability in our rental market for property owners and renters alike.” 

Beck cautioned that Saskatchewan rent prices are the fastest climbing in Canada. The NDP cited a national rent report that shows rates skyrocketing by 21 per cent to an average cost of $1338 per month.  

The New Democrats plan to introduce a Landlord and Tenant Rent Protection Act, designed to protect tenants from excessive and unreasonable rent increases and protect landlords by bringing back the option for direct payment for social service clients that miss a payment. 

Beck says the plan also includes measures to make all vacant provincial housing units available for families within four years by reversing the Sask. Party’s $40 million cut to the renovation budget. This would put 500 new residences into the market in year one.  

The concept is simply to reduce prices by increasing availability.  
