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Photo courtesy https://sheenalegrand.com/epk

Welcome to this weekend's Made in Manitoba, one when we welcome back a singer, songwriter and performer to the program after a nearly decade long hiatus from recording and releasing music.

Her name is Sheena Legrand. The last time she joined us she took the stage as Sheena Grobb, but as the pages of life have turned, and she started a family with her partner, new chapters were being written that ultimately led to the change. Her upcoming, new album is called "Back to Life", and the title certainly prompts a lot of questions about how it relates to her personal journey over the last ten years, and how that has been reflected in her latest music.

Winnipeg's Sheena Legrand is back on Made in Manitoba, and tonight we'll explore some of those questions, as well as the inspiration for the singles she's released so far, including one that has a touching connection to her late father.