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There was no shortage of happy customers at Olymel's Giving Back Together barbecue fundraiser for the Humboldt and District Food Bank.

A misty, murky noon hour didn’t put a damper on Olymel’s Giving Back Together barbecue fundraiser. The chefs braved the weather, flipping pork souvlaki burgers provided by Drake Meats, while diners gathered inside the Olymel building to enjoy the noon hour feast.  

“It doesn’t deter anyone from coming out to this great fundraiser,” said Casey Smit, VP with Olymel. “It’s our eighth year of doing this, and we’re pretty excited.” 

While burger loving patrons rubbed elbows inside, the chefs outside were also preparing racks of ribs bound for farmers fields as part of the event. 

“They’re going to barbecue 150 racks of ribs and deliver those to 11 different farmers in the region, so we’re also excited about that,” said Smit. “All combined with everything we have done this year and over the past eight, it’s over $250,000 we’ve raised for the Food Bank.” 

Smit says that their commitment to supporting the Humboldt and District Food Bank and local charities will be there going forward.  
