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Owen Bloomfield (from Canada) and Jordan Blaine (from U.S.A.) make up the Christian band BLVRS.
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Owen Bloomfield (from Canada) and Jordan Blaine (from the U.S.A.) make up the Christian band BLVRS. (Photo provided by BLVRS)

Two young Christian artists from Canada and the U.S.A. have come together to release Christian music for the youth of today. 

"I'm a producer in BLVRS, Jordan is the vocalist," says Owen Bloomfield. "I do co-writing with him. It's a very cool God-story of how we got started. We essentially got paired up. If any of you know Matthew Parker in the Christian music space, EDM/pop artist. I got connected with him through a remix contest he was hosting. He liked what I was doing. He started connecting me with his friends. Jordan and I paired up and started doing a song every year."

Bloomfield is from Vernon, B.C. and Jordan Blaine is from Nashville, TN. Bloomfield started getting into music at the age of 10 when he took up drumming. 

"When I was about 14-16 [years old], I was an apprentice drummer for Jon Buller," says Bloomfield. "He ran Hear the Music here in Vernon for quite a while. I ended up doing some worship concerts with him, I was a percussionist and would hop on the drum kit for a couple of songs. I'm super grateful for that and I learned so much about how to be a musician in a live scenario. He was a great mentor and that's my Winnipeg connection."

Bloomfield shares that he wouldn't be into music if it weren't for his dad who had audio equipment around the house growing up. 

"As a musician, I want to provide cool, clean, uplifting music that's glorifying to God to the younger generation. I think, what would I want to have had more of when I was younger, is what I want to bring to the table musically. And adding to the EDM/Pop space. Being called 'Believers' as a band, our idea was to just talk about what it's like to be a believer. Not shy away from the times we have doubts. Just the day-to-day experience of a believer, to relate and help encourage people."

BLVRS has four singles, including their latest, "Ups and Downs," which people can listen to below. They also have an EP on the way, but no current details as to the release date. Multiple singles will be released in 2025 which the duo has already been working on. 

"It's a journey but we'll see where God takes it for sure."
