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Steinbach resident, Landon Friesen and his family made the most of the flooding on Tuesday morning.

“We were standing by the window and looking out and, of course, the streets were flooded and the park across the street was flooded. So, the kids ran out to start playing. And I thought, hey, let's grab the canoe and see if we can have some fun.” 

He explains that they canoed down Henry Street passed the hospital, across to Loewen, and into the ditch. 

“We were passing stalled vehicles that had taken in too much water and helped push some people out. Lots of people were out taking photos and laughing with us as we had some fun.” 

Friesen says his kids are homeschooled and they used the stormy day to their advantage. 

“We decided this is a good morning to take part in phys-ed and teach them some paddling techniques.” 

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The beautiful canoe used to float down the streets of Steinbach was built by Friesen a couple of winters ago and he says it made him nervous at first. 

“I look for any opportunity to take it out. I told the kids to watch out for curbs and it turned out pretty good. I built it to use it, I didn't build it just to look at.” 

He continues, “Life is short and sometimes you just got to get out there and have an adventure when you can.” 

With files Kenton Dyck
