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Lin with Sylvia St. Cyr at the CHVN studio, doing an interview about spreading the gospel in Winnipeg as well countries in which Christian persecution is high.
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Lin joins Sylvia St. Cyr at CHVN to share about an upcoming trip to share the gospel where Christians are being persecuted.

A local ministry is heading across the ocean to share the gospel in some countries that face high Christian persecution.

"My first challenge was to share the gospel with 50 people in Canada," says Lin, who felt God leading her to share her faith in a tangible way. "The second challenge is, I need to encourage 1,000 Christians to pray for their role in the Great Commission. The name of the project is 'Go for God 50/50 Challenge.'"

The idea came to Lin while she was praying when COVID-19 had many people shut in their homes. 

"This year, by God's grace, I attended a Kairos class and that motivated me again to share the gospel in the city [of WInnipeg], and mobilize others for the Great Commission."

Lin has completed the first half of her challenge that started in April, sharing the gospel with 100 people. She still has over 300 Christians she would like to encourage in the faith by next April. 

"It is an exciting task from the Lord," says Lin. "There was one time outside Health Science [Centre] when I was alone, although it's not advisable. I was so excited because there was a lady sitting on the pavement. I handed her a tract and she was open to hearing more. I sat down with her. Praise the Lord, she has put her trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. People are ready for the gospel."

Spreading the Gospel Across the World

Lin and a ministry from Winnipeg will be headed to a country in November where Christian persecution is high. To keep Lin and her team safe, the countries will not be mentioned. 

"The first country my assignment is to teach the children, Christians and Muslims, about our Lord Jesus Christ. In another country, I will be sharing about the sum of the book of Romans. I'm preparing for that task."

The team would love prayers before they go, asking for God to not only keep them safe but that hearts would be open to the gospel. 

"We need prayers that the Lord would keep us strong and that the Lord would give us wisdom. I'm praying that there is a reason why the Lord is sending us to these countries. One way is for us here in Canada to pray for our brethren outside Canada where the gospel proclamation is prohibited."

This isn't Lin's first trip to some of these countries with anti-conversion laws. Lin is excited to encourage other believers who are already doing the work day in and day out in these places. 

"Most of the pastors and missionaries that we have met have minimum Bible training. What our ministry is doing is bringing pastors and teachers in other countries to teach and equip the word of God to workers of the Lord, so they can be encouraged and mobilized to teach the gospel throughout all of creation."
