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For One8Tea, his family's love for music has played a big role in developing his own passion for creating. (One8Tea/ Instagram)

For One8Tea, his family's love for music has played a big role in developing his own passion for creating. 

Today, Sept. 20, marks the release day for his latest album, Royal T. He says the album is, "Kind of on its own in terms of the variety and flexibility that I try to make sure I put on every album. We're always really intentional about trying to create something that everybody can enjoy."

He assures listeners that there will be something for everyone. "If you don't the song that is playing now, just give it a couple of minutes. The next one's for you."

The album is also inspired by a sermon he heard his pastor preach. "We've allowed ourselves to start our story at Genesis 3 when the fall happened and we forget that Genesis 1 is where it starts and we are created in the image of God and we're special and we matter to Him. I just wanted to kind of work on bringing us back to that, reminding us we're royal."

While he says it's challenging to pick his favourite song on the album, there are two that stand out. "There's a couple on there. 'Mighty Good' is one of my absolute favourites, featuring Tru Serva from Minneapolis and then 'Bridge Over Water' featuring Fresh IE."

As he has worked with Fresh IE over the years, the two artists have become close friends. "Fresh IE's has basically raised me in this music industry. He's been my Big Brother and mentor. He's also been my closest ally and friend as I navigate and figure this thing out."
