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Rob Carnie: Hey, let's talk about the responsibilities of various levels of government, The City of Moose Jaw posting this on Facebook just this week “Levels of Government and Responsibilities” with the caption “With municipal and provincial election dates set, and a federal election occurring sometime in the next 12 months, the City of Moose Jaw reminds residents of the three levels of government and their respective responsibilities.” 

There's municipal government, there's provincial government, there's federal government. What prompted this notification on social media from the City of Moose Jaw Maryse? 

Maryse Carmichael: Sometimes we get questions about some of the services that are offered to residents, sometimes it falls within our municipal jurisdiction, sometimes it doesn't.  

We thought it was a good idea to maybe just communicate to everyone, especially with the elections coming, provincial, municipal and perhaps federal in the next 12 months to really show the different services for our neighbours in the city. 

So that they really understand, “Okay, when I'm voting for councilor, city councilor or mayor, what is that person really responsible for? and what do I want this person to be able to be engaged and knowledgeable (about)?” 

Rob: I do know there's been a lot of talk on social media over the course of the last several months, people sounding off about the homeless problem in Moose Jaw sounding off about the addicted people in Moose Jaw and pointing to City Hall to do something about it. 

Over and over again, other people tell other people and City Hall has to tell people that social services doesn't fall under your umbrella. While you are concerned about these things, it's the provincial government and social services that need to look after that issue, right? 

Maryse: You are totally right. We are concerned about some of the those issues that are happening in our city, but at the same time, a lot of the services related to some of the people that are having either addiction issues or mental health issues, a lot of those services are provincially regulated.  

It's really important we are, of course, cognizant of what is going on in the city and are concerned. But there's a portion that's not fully the responsibility of the city. 

Rob: Again, if you want clarification about the levels of government and their responsibilities, you can check out the list on the City of Moose Jaw Facebook page and also on moosejaw.ca. 

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