The actor who portrayed Jesus Christ during the crucifixion on film, Jim Caviezel, recently opened up during an interview to talk about his suffering during filming.
"I was struck by lightning during the last shot of the movie," says Caviezel during an interview with TBN.
While this ordeal is something that Caviezel has shared before, he went into greater detail recently in an interview. The Passion of the Christ was filmed mostly at Cinecitta studios in Rome, and directed by Hollywood actor Mel Gibson. It is the retelling of the last day of Jesus leading up to the crucifixion.
"Prior to that it was shoulder dislocation. It happened in the weirdest areas of the movie. There was a piece where Mary runs to Jesus, and she says 'I'm here.' In this take I went down and if you put it on slow-motion, there was a stream of blood coming out of my mouth. I almost bit my tongue off."
After this scene the movie continues on to where Jesus has to carry his cross through the streets on his shoulders.
"My AC joint had been ripped so badly I could barely get it over [the cross] in this particular scene. In truth, I was screaming in pain to get my arm over the cross, and I was trying to stay calm. Most people don't realize these little mistakes were miracles."
Not only were weird physical ailments overtaking the actor during filming, but the opportunity to portray the son of God also emotionally weighed on Caviezel.
"The greatest pain I felt on that film, even more than the hypothermia, was this. I was in a dream and I felt God's love so powerful but I knew He wasn't close enough. I said, 'You're not close enough to me and my concern is, the world won't see Jesus.' When we were on the cross together, He was completely playing the scene, and that was my prayer. But the pain I felt was all those people in the world that do not love Him."
WIth tears in his eyes, Caviezel shared what he hoped viewers took away from the film.
"What I've noticed is that if you're close to Jesus, He doesn't prevent your suffering. That His closest friends are going to suffer with Him. If I could tell you one thing, our Lord loves you."
There has been talk of a sequel coming about the resurrection starring Caviezel, but still no date of release has been given.