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(photo provided by Elli Friesen, head of marketing for Garden of Eden Greenhouse and Gifts)

On the busiest day of his year the man in red himself is making time to stop by Country 94.1 tomorrow morning. 

Make sure to tune in to the morning show on Country 94.1 Tuesday morning between 7 am - 8am for your chance to speak with the big guy and ask him any burning questions you may have. 

Within that hour we will be taking calls and texts to the Full Line Ag textline 306-773-0941 where children or children at heart can tell Santa their list minute wish list items, ask him any questions they may have or pass along their salutations to Mrs. Clause, Rudolph or the rest of the North Pole crew. 

So tune in to Country 94.1 tomorrow morning for our festive special guest. 

Author Alias