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A travel advisor says that the industry has been busy over 2024.

With 2024 coming to a close plenty of people have their vacations booked for the holidays, rounding out the year for travel agencies.

After coming back from the COVID pandemic, which shut down and crippled the travel industry, they're now back to bringing people all around the world.

Travel advisor with Travel Only Denise Taylor talks about the year and how the industry has managed to come back.

"The travel industry has been very busy. People have been travelling and it's actually been very good."

Taylor attributes that to the recovery since COVID, with travel continuing to grow year over year.

One concern from over the year has been the uncertainty of some flights according to Taylor.

"Our flights have been either delayed or constantly being changed, so that's been a very big challenge."

Taylor says that she's looking forward to another busy year, even though she suspects they'll see some of the same challenges.

Author Alias