The spirit of giving was strong this holiday season in Swift Current and the effects were felt especially by the local Salvation Army.
Captain Ian Scott details this season's successes.
"We were able to serve about 470 families that came for toys and food. We had well over 500 children come through this year which is a significant increase but we had enough. And we had more than enough to serve those that come, even the teenagers they all got something."
Captain Scott also reveals that they exceeded their fundraising goals this holiday season.
"Our fundraising campaign blew us out of the water. We were struggling as you know a couple weeks before Christmas and I think we've exceeded our goal so we're excited and there's all the mail that's yet caught up as Canada Post gets back in gear here and so we're looking at some really excellent fundraising numbers this year."
The community played a huge part in this success and Captain Scott says he is grateful and appreciative.
The need does continue after the holidays as people continue to struggle for food and work and food security is of course one of the things the Salvation Army provides.
According to Captain Scott. in May, June, July they still have to provide these families with food and they are still looking for assistance, donations and help.
The Salvation Army continues to take food donations all year round along with holding a number of food drives throughout the year.