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hunting winter
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The government of Saskatchewan is hoping to get a better understanding of the province's hunting scenes as they're asking hunters to fill out their harvest surveys.

Those surveys help the Ministry of Environment's biologists and other staff keep an eye on the province's wildlife numbers.

Environment Minister Travis Keisig encourages hunters to do their part and provide critical information to help wildlife biologists better understand game populations and determine management strategies.

"We want to keep excellent hunting opportunities available for the people of Saskatchewan, and the hunter harvest survey provides valuable information for quota and season setting for the upcoming year."

"As a hunter, I know it is my duty to fill out my hunter harvest survey every year, and as the Minister, I can tell you this data helps manage game in Saskatchewan and provides valuable information for quota and season setting."

The deadline for the Big Game and Game Bird hunter harvest surveys is January 20, 2025; the Fur Bearer survey deadline is April 30.

Hunters are required to complete a survey for each licence they purchase, regardless of if they hunted or not. To fill out a survey, hunters are asked to visit their HAL account, use the SK Hunt and Fish App or call 1-888-773-8450.

Author Alias