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Drivers in Airdrie should prepare for worsening road conditions Friday as freezing temperatures and expected snowfall grip the region.

Drivers in Airdrie should prepare for worsening road conditions Friday as freezing temperatures and expected snowfall grip the region.

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As of early Friday morning, 511 Alberta reported conditions on the QEII Highway between the Calgary city limits and north of the Highway 2A junction were bare and dry. However, strong winds were blowing snow, reducing visibility to fair. Snow is forecast to develop later in the day, which could further impact road conditions as winds persist.

Periods of snow are expected to begin this afternoon, with up to two centimetres of accumulation possible by tonight. Winds gusting to 60 km/h this morning are expected to ease, but blowing snow could linger. Temperatures will remain cold, with a high of -9 C and wind chill values near -21 in the morning and -12 this afternoon. Overnight, temperatures are forecast to drop to -26 C, with wind chills plunging to -33. Saturday is expected to bring clear skies, but wind chill values could fall to -38 in the morning before moderating to -21 in the afternoon.

While Airdrie was omitted in an Alberta Emergency Alert issued late Thursday - which ended Friday morning, RCMP warned drivers across the province to postpone non-essential travel.

Drivers in Airdrie and across Alberta are urged to avoid unnecessary travel and exercise caution on icy or snow-covered roads. Vehicles should be equipped with emergency supplies, particularly as extreme cold poses a significant risk of frostbite for those stranded or exposed to the elements.

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