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Young athletes are assembling once again for the Humboldt Minor Basketball Association's spring leagues.

Following on the heels of a successful first season, Humboldt Minor Basketball is getting set to launch its second go-round with registrations for the spring league. Kerri Archibald with the organization invites youth in varying age groups to join in on the fun.  

“This year, our season will run from March 2 to May 11 on Sunday afternoons. We offer this program to those in Grade 1 through 6. Our Grade 1-2 program is co-ed at Humboldt Public School. Our Grade 3-4 girls and boys run out of St. Augustine School, and our Grade 5-6 girls and boys run out of HCI.” 

The older two groups will be able to attend a tournament in Melfort along with a home tournament in Humboldt.  

Registration is on now with a final deadline coming up on February 2. There is a $100 registration fee. Posters are now up in the schools with a QR code for parents to make a quick connection. They can also go to the Humboldt Minor Basketball Association (HMBA) Facebook page where there is also a link for registration.  

Archibald says last year's program saw over 120 young athletes register in its inaugural season. She says many parents contacted HMBA after the close of last year’s registrations who were unfortunately too late to see their children participate. Kerri is hoping that early promotion of this year’s leagues will get the word out so that more youth can get involved.  

There’s still time for adults to get involved in the programming when it comes to coaching, assisting and volunteering. 

“We have quite a few lined up, but we are still looking for a few more, especially in the Grade 1-2 age group and some of our boys’ programs in the older levels. If anyone is wanting to coach, there is a section in the registration on TeamLinkt where you can check that off.” 

Community members looking to help can always get in touch with Kerri Archibald through the program's Facebook page

It’s all systems go for another year of Humboldt Minor Basketball Association fun. 
