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Passionate Heart Awards Grande Prairie (2)
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Photo: Submitted by City of GP

The Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) teams from the City of Grande Prairie, County of Grande Prairie and the towns of Beaverlodge, Sexsmith and Wembley have extended the call for nominations for the Passionate Heart Awards. 

This annual event shines a spotlight on the extraordinary contributions of individuals, teams and businesses committed to improving lives in the community. The awards provide a unique opportunity to recognize the exceptional dedication and innovation in the social services sector. 

“Nominations are now open for the 2025 Passionate Heart Awards, offering a heartfelt way to honour the determined efforts of those who work to make our community a better place. We look forward to this event each year to celebrate their passion and impact,” said Anna Stewart, Chair of the Passionate Heart Committee.  

“These awards highlight the dedication and passion of those who work tirelessly to strengthen our community,” Stewart said. 

“Our region is filled with individuals and teams who go above and beyond to support others and strengthen our community. These awards provide a chance to highlight and celebrate their remarkable efforts, which often go unseen but have a lasting impact,” said Amy Easterbrook, Supervisor, Child Youth and Family Program with the County of Grande Prairie. 

Award Categories: 

·       Exceptional Service: For front-line staff with two or more years of experience in: 

o   Policing Services 

o   Child and Family Services 

o   Youth Services 

o   Social Services 

o   Education 

·       Exceptional Team: For non-profit social agencies or human services teams. 

·       Business Award: For businesses providing outstanding community support. 

·       Chris Henderson Lifetime Service Award: For individuals with 10+ years of exceptional service in the social sector. 


The awards will be held on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2025, at the Bonnetts Energy Centre. Tickets, priced at $30, can be purchased online at bonnettsenergycentre.com.  

Nominations are open until January 28, 2025, with forms available at cityofgp.com/passionateheart.  

Stewart encourages everyone to participate, adding, “It’s a special opportunity to celebrate the unsung heroes whose efforts make a lasting impact on the lives of others.” 

Nomination forms and additional details are available at cityofgp.com/passionateheart or countygp.ab.ca/passionateheart
