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Alzheimer Calgary has created a dementia share card to help families dealing with dementia.

Alzheimer Calgary has launched a dementia share card to help spread awareness about Alzheimer's.

With January being Alzheimer's Awareness Month, the Calgary-based group that also provides services to Strathmore and Chestermere has created the card as a "discreet and practical tool" for navigating public spaces with dementia. 

"Available in digital and wallet-sized printed formats, the card communicates key information to others while preserving your loved one’s dignity," wrote the group.

"It’s ideal for situations like dining out, shopping, or attending appointments, and encourages understanding and patience from strangers about behaviours or symptoms that someone living with dementia may be exhibiting."

According to the group, people often notice dementia symptoms after spending time with loved ones during the holidays. The organization wrote that if something seems "off" with a loved one, it's important to know about the resources available to support them.

"Alzheimer Calgary offers tools, education, and community connections to help families navigate dementia."

A free digital version of the card is available on Alzheimer Calgary's website
