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A English class at Regional Connections shares a meal. Submitted photo.

As the first month of 2025 reaches its close, changes and reductions to immigration services across Canada are setting the tone for what the next few years will look like in this regard.

When it comes to English classes offered through Regional Connections, eligibility for one group in particular will see its end before the midpoint of the year.  

CUAET visa holders 

According to Steve Reynolds, the executive director of Regional Connections, the special period of eligibility to enroll in English classes for CUAET (Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel) holders has expired.  

“CUAET visa holders have been eligible for the federally funded settlement services, which for us here is about 65% of our programs usually only [available] to permanent residents,” he says. “The CUAET visa holders on a work permit have been able to go to classes that are federally funded and receive services that are federally funded.” 

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Reynolds says that federally funded English classes will return to being available only to permanent residents later this year.  

“Those CUAET visa holders who are in those classes will be able to continue in them until the classes end this [May or June], but they won't be able to register for them again in the future,” says Reynolds. “That's true all across Canada, not just here.” 

Alternative options 

Reynolds says some language programs will still be available to those whose eligibility has ended.

“We do have a couple of English classes that are workplace classes or funded by employers like English at Work. There are a few options, but not enough for everybody, so we've been encouraging employers, if they have Ukrainian or CUAET employees at English At Work, . . . to apply for permanent residency,” he says, adding that Regional Connections is hoping to expand some of its other language programming as well. 

“We're looking at ramping up our language buddies and conversation group programs, which are volunteer-run,” he says. “I think this summer and fall, we will probably need a lot more of those so that Ukrainians can keep learning English.” 

Volunteers needed 

As the organization plans to pivot to continue offering English opportunities to those who need them, Reynolds says that volunteers will become important to the process.  

“We'll be looking for lots of volunteers later this year, so anybody interested in volunteering and helping out as a language buddy or conversation group host should definitely contact us here at Regional Connections,” he says.  

To get in contact with the organization, click here.  

With files from Robyn Wiebe 

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