An old saying in Saskatchewan is that there are only two seasons. Winter, and construction.
While you won't run into any paving crews, or oil work on your winter commute, there is still lots that can be done during the winter months.
"While most highway construction occur in the warmer months, some work like culvert and bridge work takes place in the winter." shared the Saskatchewan Highway Hotline to Facebook. "Prep work like gravel hauling is also common during colder months." the post added.
With gravel work common, Biggar RCMP are one group that would like to echo speed limit concerns, after multiple calls relating to gravel hauling accidents in their January 20 report.
"Drivers are reminded to observe posted speed limits in areas where this work occurs."
In the comment section one person added that drilling for soil sampling and testing is another thing that happens during the winter. In some situations, there could be snow removal equipment helping clear out roadside drains and culverts to be aware of. Work can also be done in spots where access is possible underground where temperature isn't a major factor.
Keep up to date with any planned roadwork around the province by checking the Highway Hotline.