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The Village of Macoun is gearing up for a big fundraiser for its Town Hall. The community, located about a half-hour drive north of Estevan, will host a Skidoo rally on February 22. Marissa Martin joined the SUN 102 Morning Show to share some details about the event and the much-needed town hall renovations.

“We’ve been working on refurbishing the hall for years, and we’re closing in on the light at the end of the tunnel,” said Martin. The goal is to have the hall ready by the end of 2025, with the rally helping to bring them closer to that vision.

To participate, riders need to be able to legally use public trails, Martin explained. "Your sleds must be plated. If you are coming to ride our public trails, that is a requirement. You will not be able to go if your sled's not registered."

Registration for the rally will be open from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Once registered, riders can head out on the trails and enjoy them at their own pace, as long as they return by 4:30 PM. Participants must be present to win the event’s prizes, including the nearly $500 cash prize for first place, sponsored by South Sask Rentals and Repair (Flaman).

For those who prefer to stay off the trails, a crib tournament will start at 1:00 PM. "If you don't have a sled or it's not registered, but you'd still like to come out and hang out with the residents of Macoun, you can come play crib from 1:00 till about 4:30," Martin shared. The event will also feature a beer garden, raffle auction, and a concession run by the Cymri 4-H Beef Club, supporting the local youth group.

For more details or to get involved, visit the Macoun Town Hall Facebook page or email macountownhall@hotmail.ca.

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