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Over the past couple of week's we have loved receiving all of your love stories as part of our We Love love contest. 

This morning we did our draw from all our entries to win a beautiful Forever Tribute Collection Rounded Beaded Pendant worth almost $3000 and Janice's and Richard's love story was a big winner. 

Janice and Richard had a memorable meeting as she tells us: 

"It was like a movie! Richard and I met on the island of Mykonos, Greece on November 6, 1973. I was sitting on the step of a very small house by the ocean, and a voice behind me asked if I knew where there was a bakery. I turned and there he was. Richard was a handsome dark-haired denim clad dream. We fell in love quickly and I remember phoning my mother from Mykonos five days later to tell her I was going to marry Richard. She begged me to come home first. We were from completely different backgrounds and I was older than him with a career. So, we did listen, however I was determined to keep this man in my life! I convinced Richard to continue traveling with a friend in a Volkswagen van through Italy, France, Spain and Morocco until March of 1974. We spent three months apart, and then married in a small ceremony in June. We moved west, and I continued my teaching career and Richard started school."

After being together for over fifty year's Janice has many things that she loves about Richard :

"Richard was different than anyone I had met. Coming from Quebec I had not met a farmer from rural Saskatchewan and I fell in love with his gentleness, and his sense of humour."

Thanks for sharing your love story and congrats to Janice and Richard. Also a huge thank you to everyone that took the time to submit their love story to us over the past couple of weeks. 


Author Alias