Rob Carney - Let's talk about the City of Moose Jaw Strategic Plan and its development.
Maryse Carmichael – So, we have a really different opportunity this year. We have a brand-new council that started in November.
We approved our budget over the last few weeks, and now what we've turned our focus, really what our new Council, with administration is looking at the strategic plan for the city. We're looking, of course, to next year with the budget, and we've done that already. We're looking at four years down the road, which is the mandate of this council, but we're also looking beyond that.
When we make decisions, and I know council for sure thinks about that when they make decisions, it will impact generations. Some of the big infrastructure projects, some of the financial decisions that can affect many, many generations in the future.
So, we have a consultant helping us through this process, we have met with my team, the strategic leadership team first to look at what we do in the business world of a SWOT analysis our strengths or weaknesses or opportunities or threats.
We looked at the state of the city, and council then took this information plus what they believe the priorities should be, and so and this will come in the next few months. This spring we will release the strategic plan for the city.