The Town of Leader’s regular council meeting on Jan. 21 covered a range of topics, including attendance at the upcoming Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) convention, infrastructure projects, and library funding.
Mayor Aaron Wenzel, councillors Dustin Heatcoat, Dustin Bischoff, Craig Tondevold, Isabelle Blohm, John-Mark Bredeson, and Administrator Erin Romanuik were in attendance. The agenda was approved, as were the minutes from the Jan. 7 regular meeting and the Jan. 20 Transportation Committee meeting.
Council approved attendance for all members and the Chief Administrative Officer at the 2025 SUMA Convention in Saskatoon from April 13-16, with all necessary expenses covered.
A request from the Leader Library for funding to replace the facility’s carpeting was tabled pending further discussion. Councillor Heatcoat will speak with the Library Board before a decision is made.
The council reviewed and adopted the Wild West Daze policy as presented by the CAO.
In infrastructure matters, the council awarded Beckie Hydrogeologists a contract to begin preliminary field reconnaissance for exploratory test wells at the town’s water intake site. The approved proposal totals $9,200.
The CAO received authorization to issue requests for quotes (RFQs) for the town’s 2025 asphalt patching and resurfacing project, as well as the 2025 sidewalk replacement project.
The council also accepted the administrator’s report, reviewed the financial report, and approved payment of capital and general accounts.