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Tim Tebow and his wife Demi-Leigh recently announced the gender of their soon-to-be first born. (Demi-Leigh Tebow/Facebook)

Tim Tebow and his wife Demi-Leigh recently announced the gender of their soon-to-be first born.

The pair started off asking each other what their thoughts were.

"I thought it was a girl this whole time," said Demi-Leigh. "But, I'd be happy either way." 

Demi then asked Tim what he thought, and he also answered, saying he thought their first child was a girl. 

To create a meaningful piece of art for the nursery, the couple decided to find out the gender through painting.

The pair wore blind folds and were handed a can of paint and a brush, which they used to paint a canvas. They then took off their blindfolds to reveal the gender. 

The pair jumped for joy when they realized they were having a girl.

"It's a little girl," said Tim. 

"Tim's going to be a girl dad," said another voice in the background. 

The pair also chose two Bible verses, one for a boy and one for a girl, to add to the canvas once it was complete. The verse they chose to speak over their baby girl is Psalm 25:4-5.

"We pray that she always finds her identity in Christ and places her hope in His love and truth," said the couple. "Now, let’s get this nursery in order! Bring on the pink bows, ruffles, and all things sweet." 
