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Chelsea Fernstrom and her family. (Photo submitted by Chelsea Fernstrom)

Spring break is a time enjoyed by many and, perhaps for just as many, can be quite stressful.

"As a mom myself, I remember going, 'What am I going to do with these kids?'" says Chelsea Fernstrom, a family educator with the Steinbach Family Resource Centre (SFRC).

It's a question she assures many parents are asking as their little ones grow more excited with each passing hour.

She offers some survival tips for those wondering how they're going to manage.

Try to keep a good routine

"I chuckle to myself because when our kids are out of school...the first thing (I say) is, 'Oh, I don't have to pack lunches, I don't have to set the alarm,'" Fernstrom says.

While those are all wonderful things, she reminds that spring break is quite short, so keeping some semblance of routine can save some stress down the road.

"For most kids, structuring your time is so important. If they go back (to school) on that Monday completely off routine, it's very overwhelming for them," she says.

Families don't need to adhere to a strict, school-like schedule, but Fernstrom suggests keeping things like bed and wake-up times the same.

"Then it's not a shock to their system when they do have to go back," she says.

For those that are at a loss on how to fill the days ahead, there are some things that could help.

Look for what's happening in the community

Fernstrom says one way to keep busy over the break is by finding community programming or events.

There is some programming available through the SFRC during that time — and throughout the year — she says, but is mostly geared towards younger kids.

She adds the Jake Epp Library is offering free programming over the break, and the Steinbach Aquatic Centre has added public swim times.

More events and programming can be found on the SteinbachOnline events page.

There are also various spring break camps being hosted in different communities, but Fernstrom acknowledges that's not always an option.

"For lots of families, spring break camps are extremely hard to get into because they're in short supply or they cost too much," she says.

Fortunately, there are other ways to go about spring break.

Find simple skill-building and family activities to do at home

Staying home over the break can be as good an option as any, especially considering some of the cost-savings.

"I know some parents can't be, but with those parents that are at home, they want to keep their kids busy and doing things. There's lots of different things we can do," Ferstrom says.

That could look like taking them to a park, getting them out on a bike ride if the snow clears up (building a snow fort, anyone?), or using chalk to create sidewalk art.

"You can also do some activities inside, like crafts, crayons, Play-Doh, there's lots of things," the family educator says. "One thing my kiddo enjoys is going through the recycling, and he just lets his mind wander and comes up with all sorts of funky creations."

She says activities don't have to be complicated, just things to keep kids' minds and bodies active.

Even reading to them, or having them read aloud, is a great option.

"Another thing over spring break is family time... In our family, we have what's called our 'food blanket' that we put on the floor or the couch, and we make nachos or pizza, or whatever, and we sit on (the blanket) and we watch a movie or play a board game while we sit and eat our dinner," Fernstrom says.

Know it's normal to feel stressed about spring break

For many families, Fernstrom says spring break poses a difficult challenge as they try to figure out how they're going to take vacation time — if they even can.

She wants all these families to know they're not alone.

"This isn't a unique situation. It is something that so many families in our community, and really across the country, feel when it comes to PD days and spring break, and summer break even," she says.

One thing that might help, is arranging rotational child care with some of the other parents and families in the community.

"Have somebody take a day off, and take all the kids, then kind of flip-flop like that between friend groups so that everybody's not feeling the brunt of it," Fernstrom says, but knows even that is not possible all the time.

"There's so many other families that are in the same boat that don't have family or don't have that village, and are just doing the best they can."

That absolutely counts for something.

"We see you, and we know you're doing the best you can, and that's really all you can do," she says.

She encourages people to check in on their friends and family who may be struggling over the spring break.
