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The Weyburn Beavers held their Annual General Meeting on Monday evening ahead of their upcoming season.  

President of the team, Garnet Hanson said that they are doing well financially despite not playing for the past two years.  

“We did a good job of not spending money and we did have some fundraisers, you know, 50/50s and a virtual dinner, so those were all successful, so we're coming out of it probably better than you could expect.” 

Some improvements will be made to the ballpark over the spring.  

“With the help of City Weyburn, to budgeting for some materials, we're doing the siding and the doors, the overhead doors, all the buildings and the press box, so hopefully by May 27 it'll all be done and people will really notice things spruced up.” 

Coming out of two years of no baseball the team has a new head coach, with Dusty Kerns taking over for Phil Curtis.  

“This would be the first year officially, that we're having a team that Phil Curtis hasn't been involved in for many years.” 

Despite Curtis no longer being head coach, he is taking on some duties as a general manager, and helping out with recruiting.  

The team is preparing for a 56-game season at the end of May. 
