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Today is Earth Day.

Every year on April 22nd, people across the country recognize and celebrate Earth Day, one of the largest environmental events in the world. 

The goal is not only to promote Earth Day just once a year but to connect people to nature every day. 

A Rocha is an international Christian organization which, inspired by God’s love, engages in scientific research, environmental education, community-based conservation projects and sustainable agriculture.

Zoe Matties is the program director with A Rocha Manitoba. She says it's important to celebrate Earth Day because it brings our awareness back around to something that affects us every day.

"We're so interconnected to the world, to plants, to animals, to things that keep us sustained, food and water systems," said Matties. "Earth Day can help us remember that, and remember that as Christians, it's important to God too. There are so many verses in the bible that talk about how God cares for creation."

For many, it can be difficult to change their habits and start caring for the earth, but Zoe says it's as simple as paying attention to your surroundings.

"One of the ways we can learn more about the environment and the places we're in is by paying attention to them," said Matties. "Once we learn our place and get to know what's around us, then we find that we can see with new eyes and learn to love it. Once we love the place that we're in, that's where a posture of caring can come from."

Today on Connections, Scott Gerbrandt and Zoe Matties will share the importance of Earth Day, and how we as Christians can start caring for the world around us.
