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The Reeve said the money will be used wisely and quickly in order to make the repairs.

Ralph Groening, Reeve for the R.M. of Morris, says the Province's announcement of a one-time, per capita road repair grant, will be a welcome addition to the funding Council already set aside for such a program this year.

"Before the flood became a priority, our rural gravel roadway was in really poor shape and it continues to be in poor shape, and additional rain is just going to make that worse," he said.

Groening added some of the Municipality's gravel roads are nearly impassable.

"And we were reminded of that by individuals, businesses, the farm community and by people who travel the roads. Bus drivers would phone and say 'we can't travel the roads.' We offer no argument, other than the commitment to, as soon as the weather allows, we will begin a serious program of road rehabilitation."

The Reeve said the money will be used wisely and quickly in order to make the repairs. The focus, added Groening, will be on Horndean Road, Riverside Road, Lewis Road and Road 29.

Author Alias