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Local disc golfers now have the opportunity to play 18 holes on the local course as it has recently expanded. 

As City of Swift Current Park's Manager Michael Newell explains, this was the plan from the beginning.

 "When we started or we first installed the first nine holes in the spring of 2021 we contacted Saskatchewan Disc Golf and we actually laid it out as an 18-hole course at that point in time but we only had the nine baskets so we were looking for future opportunities through grant funding to put in the back nine."

Newell adds that this became possible this year and baskets were installed this spring, with the addition of t-deck pads and new signage. In addition, he says the city is happy with the participation from the community so far in the use of the course and even the creation of a group called Swift Current Disc Golf.

The city is looking forward to hosting the 17th Annual Saskatchewan Open taking place August 20-21st in participation with Disc Golf Saskatchewan as Newell explains.

"They approached us when we confirmed we were putting in the back nine at our course and asked us if we would like to host. We contacted the Swift Current Disc Golf crew and saw if any interest there and there was a lot of interest, we have a lot of support from them. These types of events won't happen unless we have community and volunteer support."

A second temporary disc golf course will be set up for the event by the Highland Coulee Mountain bike course.

Disc Golf sets are available to sign out at O’Rudy’s Creek House Treats for a $20.00 cash deposit.







Author Alias