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Splash parks will be busy over the next couple days as we look for ways to stay cool during this mini heat wave

Southern Manitoba will see temperatures in the mid 30s for Father's Day, with humidex values reaching into the low to mid 40s Sunday afternoon. 
Areas in the southern Red River Valley are expected to see the hottest temperatures Sunday afternoon reaching into the upper 30s, potentially into the 36 to 38 range. 
Temperatures will remain hot through Monday afternoon, especially in southeastern Manitoba where temperatures will once again reach the mid 30s, with humidex values in the low 40s. 

And are we talking record setting weather on Sunday and Monday? Potentially. The following are the current record daytime temperatures in the respective communities listed as per Environment Canada.

June 19th – 35.6 (1911)
June 20th – 38.9 (1910)

June 19th – 30.6 (1966)
June 20th – 34.4 (1995)

June 19th – 34.0 (1986)
June 20th – 35.0 (1938)

June 19th – 32.0 (1995)
June 20th – 33.5 (1995)

June 19th – 32.6 (1986,1995)
June 20th – 34.7 (1995)

Areas in southwestern Manitoba will ease slightly into the high 20s for Monday afternoon. 
The risk of heat related injuries such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke may be elevated due to the cool and rainy spring Manitobans may be acclimatized to.

With an extended period of hot weather, Environment Canada has continued the Heat Warning.

Extreme heat affects everyone.

To reduce the health effects of heat:

- Plan outdoor activities during cooler times of the day and take into account the COVID-19 restrictions.
- Take a cool shower or bath or take a break in a cool location, such as an air-conditioned building or a tree-shaded area.
- Stay out of direct sunlight and wear loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing and a wide-brimmed hat or shade yourself with an umbrella.
- Drink plenty of water, before you feel thirsty and stay in a cool place. If you must go out, take water with you.
- Keep your house cool. Block the sun out by closing curtains, blinds, and awnings during the day
- Never leave people or pets in a parked vehicle.
- Check on family, friends and neighbours. Check regularly on people living alone, especially older individuals or people with health conditions. Make sure they are cool and drinking water.
- Watch for the effects of heat illness: swelling, rash, cramps, fainting, and the worsening of some health conditions.
- Watch for signs of heat stroke (which may begin with headache, hot skin, dizziness or confusion) and take action immediately.

For more information on heat and your health:
- Visit Manitoba Health at: http://www.manitoba.ca/health/publichealth/environmentalhealth/heat.html.
- Call Health Links - Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888-315-9257.

Author Alias