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Local youths in grades 5 through 12 will have the opportunity to have some fun and make some new friends at the Youthfest event happening tomorrow 

Youthfest is being put on by the city of Swift Current as Summer Programs Coordinator for the city Mackenzie Acton explains more details. 

"It's an event to start off the summer for kids going into grade six, so grade five to grade twelve. Some of them have never been to The Center before so it's a chance for them to head there and see what they have to offer. We also have our Zone program there in the summer. So it's kind of like a Zone kick off if you will."

According to Acton, the Zone program runs from Monday to Friday. Monday through Thursday it takes place in the afternoons from 1:00 pm-4:30 pm and Fridays are called field trip Fridays and youths are taken out of town to various locations including Moose Jaw, The Landing, and Maple Creek to name a few. Acton says it gives them the opportunity to experience things that maybe they have never done before and it's a great way to make friends and meet new people. 

Acton provides some details on some of the fun activities being planned. 

"And so at Youthfest what we are going to have is inflatables and bigger games, we will have a virtual reality station. Henna artists are going to be there and the kids will have a chance to win some really cool prizes that have been donated to us."

As part of the barrier-free programming, free hotdogs and water will also be available along with a selection of mocktail options. 

Acton adds that it's a great chance for youth to get out and have a safe evening and hopefully meet some new friends.

This will be Acton's first year involved with the event and she says that she is looking forward to seeing the kids getting back out there and smiling and laughing and overall having a good time. 

Youthfest will be taking place Thursday, June 23rd from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm at The Center in Swift Current.  



Author Alias