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It's time for some rowdy roping cowboys to once again make their way into Kinetic Park for this year's Canadian Cowboy Associations Rodeo.

If you are looking for a bit of western entertainment, you can head over to the Magnus Newland Arena, where the CCA will be putting on the show as part of Frontier Days. 

Shayne Powell from the Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association hopes to see plenty of folks turn out for what should be a good dust-up of western-themed fun.

"I encourage everybody to come out and watch the high-flying rodeo that we're going to have this year," said Powell.

This year's show is pulling out all the stops, with bull riding, tie-down roping, steer wrestling, and other exciting events that stem from a skill set that helped tame the wild west.

Today's events will begin at 5 p.m. Tomorrow will be the second show that will also start at 5 p.m.

"July second we're having a slack, which is all extra contestants that we can't fit in our rodeo, at 9 a.m," informed Powell. And then a performance at 1 p.m. and that'll be our final performance for the rodeo. That's July second at 1 p.m."

Powell is excited to see plenty of CCA talent and prowess on display at the rodeo, with events like bull riding, junior steer riding, various roping shows, and some less beef-based riding events, like barrel racing. 

"It's going to be lots of action-packed stuff to watch at the rodeo," said Powell.

If folks head over to the south gate at the arena, they can purchase their tickets there and enjoy the rodeo grounds. There is also the 'We Ride' passes still up for sale that also allows entry.

"Come on down and have yourself a great time at Frontier Days," invited Powell.

Author Alias