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With the summer season, comes an increase in road traffic and CAA Saskatchewan is reminding all users of the road to stay summer safe. 

Christine Niemczyk, Director of Corporate Communications with CAA Saskatchewan provides some helpful road ready tips for all types of vehicles. 

"RVing a lot of people will be RVing this summer so check the wheels. Same goes for boat trailers and camper trailers, you will want to check the wheel lug nuts as well. We can go into a lot of detail but best to check your vehicle or your RV manual just to double check its safe and secure for your road trip."

Before motorists head out on to the road they are reminded to have their vehicle inspected to make sure it is road ready and also to take along their CAA membership and ensure that it is renewed. Checking the mechanics of the vehicle including everything from the tires, coolent, brake fluid and oil as well as wipers and washer fluid. 

Niemczyk adds that designated drivers should remember to allow plenty of time to travel and reach their destination safely. Before leaving set the GPS and check all maps and directions. 

Those travelling with children should ensure that car and booster seats are correctly installed and everyone in the vehicle is wearing a seat belt.  Drivers must also slow down and move over for first responders such as tow truck operators and also be aware on construction crews out on the roads. 

Cycling is also a very popular mode of transportation in the summer and CAA is reminding cyclists to yield to pedestrians, obey traffic signs and lights, wear appropriate footwear, cycle in a single file and to keep both hands on the handle bars except when using hand signals. 

When selecting a bike, Niemczyk says riders should consider size, frame, seat, seat height and type of roads and trails that they frequently ride on. In addition, cyclists are reminded that when they are walking their bike across the street they are considered a pedestrian and have the same rights. 

Niemczyk provides a helpful reminder concerning school zones. 

"When your near school grounds, play grounds, recreation centers where kids, families and small ones are out and about enjoying summer sunshine, remember to be alert, obey posted speed limits even when schools not in and it's out for summer holidays, children may not have safety top of mind."

Overall, road users are reminded to be alert, slow down and watch for children and look for pedestrians in school zones even through the summer months. 

Kids and pedestrians of all ages must make sure to watch when crossing the street and ensure they look both ways and cross at marked intersections. 

Author Alias