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Cochrane will be utilizing CCTV cameras for sewage inspections in the coming weeks.

The Town of Cochrane has announced today that in the coming weeks town crews will be conducting sewage inspections via remote controlled closed circuit televisions (CCTV).

Town crews will be in the middle of the streets in various neighbourhoods driving these CCTV cameras down the sewage lines to look for areas of concern, things such as cracks, breaks, or sags in the piping system.

As work progresses throughout Cochrane the town says that traffic will be minimally impacted. No service outages are expected.

If you see town crews working on your road here's a few things to watch out for.

You may see no parking signs placed on roads prior to the inspection to allow traffic flow through. This work will take around one hour for each stretch of sanitary sewer.

During the inspection air can occasionally vent into a home through the sewer service line. It is possible for water in the toilet bowl to bubble, and in rare cases, splash outside of the bowl. Keep the toilet lid down, and closed to avoid any splashing or odors. If you smell or notice unusual odors in your home, run water into your drains to flush out the lines.

For more information: https://cochrane.ca/cctvinspection

Author Alias