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A memorial was quickly put together at the scene of the accident in Strathcona County.

Family and friends are in the process of healing after both Jim, 68, and Annie, 63, MacDonald perished in a fatal motorcycle accident in Strathcona County. 

Their eldest son, Kyle MacDonald, says that the couple had a profound impact on the family. 

“Jim and Annie were a big part of the family,” said MacDonald. “They were always super supportive parents.”

“We all have kids now and they were the grandparents who would kind of just sit there and let you learn on your own but whenever you asked for help they were there.”  

Though they were both senior-aged when they passed, it didn’t define them. MacDonald says his parents were never afraid to keep in shape and were avid skiers. 

“The second snow hit they were out,” said MacDonald. 

“My dad was in great shape and so was my mom. They rode peddle bikes 20 kilometres across Edmonton.” 

A 29-year-old is facing impaired driving charges after killing the MacDonald couple who were on a motocycle ride on Aug. 14. 

After news broke, Kyle and his two siblings rallied around each other and created a fundraiser for MADD Canada in their honour. As of this Friday (Aug. 26) they have raised $13,000 for the organization to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving. 

“We decided to do the GoFundMe in support of MADD just to bring awareness and we thought it was a good idea because these kinds of things keep happening,” said MacDonald. “Staying quiet isn’t always the best course of action... give everybody a reason to donate for the cause.” 

The fundraiser’s success is a testament to the impact Jim and Annie had on their community. An impact that Kyle wasn’t aware of until after the tragedy. 

“We found out a lot about them,” said MacDonald. “You see them as your parents but when the tragedy happens all these people come about to say how much of an impact they’ve had on so many people.”

The Edmonton couple leave behind a loving family of three kids and seven grandchildren. 
