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A trail in the Whiteshell (Shannon Dueck)
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Friday's announcement includes funding for trail upgrades in the Whiteshell.

The Manitoba government announced Friday an investment worth more than $1 million in its provincial parks.

Environment Climate and Parks Minister Jeff Wharton says the $1.1 million from the Provincial Parks Endowment Fund will support park enhancement projects. This year's funding will support 64 projects. 

Launched in 2021 with an initial investment of $20 million, the Provincial Parks Endowment Fund is expected to generate approximately $1 million per year to help enhance visitor experiences at Manitoba's provincial parks. Priorities for the fund are determined through a process involving engagement of citizens and stakeholders.

The approved list of the 2022/23 projects includes:

  • Accessibility improvements, including washrooms, building access and picnic tables at Birds Hill, Clearwater Lake, Nopiming, Paint Lake, Pisew Falls, Rainbow Beach, St. Malo, Wekusko Falls, and Whiteshell.
  • Amphitheatre replacement at Hecla/Grindstone.
  • Backcountry campsite improvements including picnic tables, fire pits, garden thrones, signs and docks at Pisew Falls, Nopiming, Turtle Mountain and Whiteshell.
  • Beach improvements including picnic shelters and washrooms at Bakers Narrows, St. Malo and Wekusko Falls.
  • Boat launch upgrades at Barkers Narrows, Clearwater Lake, Moose Lake and Grass River.
  • Campground washroom and shower building upgrades at Asessippi, Duck Mountain, Grand Beach and Rivers.
  • Campsite improvements, including site definition, signs and accessible sites at Duck Mountain and Grand Beach.
  • Conservation and biodiversity enhancement including prairie management initiatives at Beaudry and Spruce Woods, invasive species control in multiple parks, and bat boxes for multiple parks.
  • Trail upgrades including signs, non-modern washrooms and bridge/boardwalk repairs at Asessippi, Clearwater Lake, Birds Hill, Grand Beach, Hecla/Grindstone, Moose Lake, Nopiming, Spruce Woods and Whiteshell.
  • Visitor centre siding replacement at Spruce Woods.
  • Yurt repairs at Asessippi, Camp Morton, Spruce Woods and Stephenfield.