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Roberto Hiebert (submitted photo)
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Roberto Hiebert (submitted photo)

A longtime business owner in Blumenort has announced his intentions to run for the Ward Three seat in the Rural Municipality of Hanover.

As a business owner in Blumenort for the last 16 years and having served on the recreation committee and currently on the Local Urban District (LUD) committee of Blumenort, Roberto Hiebert says he feels he is in tune with the needs and challenges. Hiebert, who grew up in Blumenort and raised his family there, says he stands by family values. He has also served on the local fire department.

For the last 16 years, the Ward Three seat has been represented by Councillor Bob Brandt. Brandt announced earlier this year that he will not be seeking re-election.

"It will be some big shoes to fill but I feel confident," says Hiebert. "I feel I have a good grasp of what the needs are for the community and understand that I could probably serve the community well with my background."

Hiebert notes if elected, he will strive to keep Blumenort's mil rate low, which he says is a real benefit to businesses in the community.

"Blumenort has the lowest mil rate in Hanover by almost half of the next lowest," explains Hiebert. "This helps new business owners get off their feet and others to grow. I feel this is important that our infrastructure in Blumenort supports our business community but doesn't overburden them with taking on all costs."

Hiebert says Blumenort's low mil rate is a reflection of how well the previous leadership has managed the money allotted to them. 

"That is something that I look forward to continuing is to keep that mil rate low without taking away some of the essential services and upgrades that we need to do in our community," he notes. "To help our businesses grow and bring new businesses into the community."

Hiebert says his platform also includes ensuring there is a unified voice between Hanover Council, the LUD committee and recreation committee. 

Hiebert credits Hanover Council as well as the LUD committee for ensuring that streets and utilities are maintained adequately for growth to occur. If elected, he says he will continue with that, as well as potentially improve some of the intersections in the community that have become problem areas in recent years. Hiebert says he wants to see park space increased in Blumenort, including the addition of a dog park.

Hiebert says outgoing Councillor Bob Brandt has done a tremendous job over the last 16 years to support the entire ward, but he feels the next councillor should live in Blumenort, in order to reflect some of the concerns from residents there.
