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Travis Doerksen (Shannon Dueck)
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Ward One Councillor Travis Doerksen

The Ward One Councillor for the Rural Municipality of Hanover says he has had a lot of fun representing the residents and he would like to serve another term. 

Travis Doerksen was first elected to council in 2018 to represent residents in the New Bothwell area. He says it has been enjoyable, admitting it took him about a year or two to get his feet wet in learning how the municipality operates and becoming better acquainted with the different communities.

"I don't think you ever stop learning," notes Doerksen. "I have not stopped learning in the last four years and I don't plan to stop in the future either."

Doerksen says while campaigning prior to the last election, he committed to bringing better sidewalks to New Bothwell. Four years later, he says that was one of many projects and initiatives he helped bring to fruition. Another accomplishment includes adding crosswalk lights to New Bothwell's main street, which addresses safety concerns for children walking to and from school. 

Other accomplishments include upgrades to the outdoor skating rink in New Bothwell, repaving Crown Valley Road and bringing new welcome signs to New Bothwell, which are scheduled to be erected this fall. Doerksen says he was also successful in helping create a Local Urban District for New Bothwell, acquiring land for commercial development and was also part of the Council that landed a regional wastewater treatment plant, which will benefit industries like Bothwell Cheese. 

Doerksen says if he is victorious on October 26th, he will continue to push for better sidewalks in New Bothwell, make improvements at the recreation centre, work on beautification in that community and focus on drainage concerns and road upgrades.

Doerksen says residents of Ward One should vote for him because of his work ethic and desire to communicate with ratepayers.
